Top 2 Best Mic for YouTubers Under Rs.700

Top 2 Best Mic for YouTubers Under Rs.700

Best Mic For YouTube Under 700: अगर आप YouTube Video के लिए 700 रूपये के नीचे सबसे Best Mic को खोज रहें हैं तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर आये हैं।

ये Article आप अंत तक जरुर पढ़ें, क्योंकि इस Post में जिन 2 Mic को बताने वाले हैं वो Mic Almost सभी YouTuber ने इस्तेमाल किया है और आज भी इस्तेमाल करते हैं।

आजकल तो 700 रूपये के आस पास Market में बहुत सारे Mic उपलब्ध है लेकिन हूम उनमे से कुछ 5 Mic को Select किया और इनमे कुछ विशेष प्रकार के परीक्षण (जैसे- Mic Quality, Wire Quality, Wire Length, Build Quality, etc.) करने के बाद ही हम आपके लिए इन सूची में 2 Best Mic को शामिल किया हूँ।

Best Mic List

  • Boya By M1
  • Moano AU-100

Boya By M1

Boya By M1

  • Mic Type: Wired
  • Wire Length: 6m
  • Connector Jack: 3.5mm Jack & 6.35mm Jack
  • ON/OF Switch: Yes
  • Colour: Black
  • Weight: 110g

This is the best lav mic in this price range. Awesome sound quality. Bassy audio output. Nice pickup pattern. Overall great product. The wire is too long that you can stand at a distance of about 06 meters/19.68 Feet and still use this mic. But for short-distance use, it sometimes becomes a mess. It works best with smartphones. So I'm wondering why it needs a battery to work with cameras.

If it worked the same way as it does in smartphones without requiring a battery, it would be awesome. Unfortunately, it only works in camera mode, which requires a battery when used with a camera.

 Pros  Cons 


  • 20 Feet cable.
  • Comes with 5.5 adapters to plugin into an amplifier and other instruments.
  • The build quality is amazing.
  • Comes with a clip and cushion.
  • Comes with a small pouch.
  • Can be used on a camera.
  • Noise cancellation.


  • Very harsh noise cancellation, which reduces the quality of the actual voice.
  • The voice quality is not good.

Moano AU-100

Moana AU-100

  • Mic Type: Wired
  • Wire Length: 6m
  • Connector Jack: 3.5mm Jack & 6.35mm Jack
  • ON/OF Switch: Yes
  • Colour: Black
  • Weight: 100g

I bought this mic as my first external microphone to avoid spending more money on good audio. The mic itself is really easy to use with my iPod nano, just plug in, open the recording app, and begin recording.

I also like that the cord for this is really long as I know I'll likely never have to worry about running out of cable. I have yet to use the 'on' mode of the mic, as it's intended to be used with dedicated audio recorders, but I will say that it comes with an extra battery in the event your first battery dies on you.

All in all, this is a great mic, and I have no regrets about spending the money to get it.

 Pros  Cons 

  • High-gain voice recording.
  • Good quality recording for a cheap price.
  • Very long cable length.
  • Nice storage pouch and batteries included.
  • Noise cancellation.


हमने यह List में 2 Mic को Select किया जिसे जितना हो सके उतना अच्छे तरीके से समझाने की कोशिश किया हूँ, हमें उम्मीद है कि आपको अपने YouTube Video के लिए एक Best Mic यह सूची में ही मिल गया होगा

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