Laptop Mini Stand- BKN Mini Premium Metal Folding Portable Laptop Stand

Laptop Mini Stand

 Laptop Mini Stand Review: अगर आपको Laptop के लिए Fix सेटअप नहीं है, इसलिए आप अपने लैपटॉप के लिए एक Laptop Stand लेना चाहते हैं जो Portable हो यानि लैपटॉप को कही ले जाने में कोई परेशानी नहीं हो, तो आप बिल्कुल सही जगह पर आये हो क्योंकि आज हम इस Article में एक Best Metal Portable Mini Laptop Stand का सम्पूर्ण Review (Performance, Build Quality etc.) देने वाले हैं।

Laptop Mini Stand


  • Colour: Silver
  • Metrical Type: Aluminium
  • Rotate: Yes
  • Weight: 99g

Laptop Mini Stand


I have a Dell laptop that was heating a lot due to the metal body and poor thermal design of the laptop. I wanted something portable and small in size. I was going to buy the colling pad or the adjustable stands but I went ahead with this because it's of metal and it's so small that you can attach this to the back panel of your laptop. It doesn't take up much space and is easily installed.

The product finish is really good and the quality is strong. The rubber grips help your laptop to stay in place and provide a good grip on flat surfaces. Definitely not suitable if you use your laptop on a lap or on uneven surfaces. Once you unfold the clap and open up the legs of the stand it gives a good lift to your laptop for optimum ventilation and provides support for your typing and using your laptop keyboard in a much more comfortable way. The adhesive strips used are very strong and they seem to serve the purpose for a long time.

Please clean the bottom panel before applying the stands or else the adhesive might come off after some time dues to dust.

This is great for people who don’t want to get those huge table bars for laptops. The only issue I faced was when this is flipped out and you are using it on a desk or on your bed if you push the laptop back this stand collapses as there is not any mechanism for it to hold its position or lock it. So you might have to open it again.

 Pros  Cons 


  • The Product is lightweight.
  • Easy to use.
  • Installation is a no-brainer.
  • The sticker that holds it to the laptop is good so far.
  • We don’t need any extra space unlike other Products if you need to carry the laptop around.


  • If you move the laptop the stand just closes it’s kind of a hazard no lock to keep it elevated.


अगर आपको यह Laptop Mini Stand का Review पसंद आया है तो आप अपने दोस्तों और परिवार के लोगों के साथ जरुर साझा करें,

और यदि आपके मन में कोई तरह का सवाल या कोई सुझाव है तो नीचे Comment के माध्यम से हमें जरुर बताएं।

Thank You !

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